Love the fun colors! |
Gorgeous red roses! |
White calla lilies and hydrangea! |
Fun colors! and some red and pink carnations. |
Love the colors of these dendrobium orchids! |
Oriental Lilies! They smell wonderful! |
Who wants baby's breath when you have fun colors of statice? |
Or monte casino aster and wax flower. So much prettier! |
These garden roses are amazing! |
Hypericum berries in any color! |
Tulip cash and carry special! Only $9.95 for 10 stems! |
Sweetheart rose cash and carry special: 20 Sweethearts for $19.95! |
Gerbera daisies in all kinds of fun colors. |
Looking for an idea for guys too? Love this Bromeliad! They can grow it in their office! |
love the lilies and sweetheart roses. would love to have them.